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Snacks — We all love snacking! But we seldom snack healthy. 

I don't cook. Some develop a passion towards cooking at an early age, some start to enjoy it because they develop the necessity to do it for their kids or husband (wow that sounds chauvinistic doesn’t it?). I have neither. But I developed the necessity to cook for myself to make sure I do eat healthy snacks. 

This year I started to be more conscious on what I eat and how it affects my body, my brain, my metabolism and hence, my performance.

And the idea to make this energy-dense, protein balls was born. A world of nutritive superfoods in one bite.

To be honest, I didn’t prepare for this recipe. The ingredients I used are the ones I have most of the time in my house. But it came super handy specially with my lifestyle of always ON THE GO!


I used the NINJA professional blender to mix everything up. I don't own a food processor, so don't actually know the difference in time-cooking. However, I read that despite using food processor or blender, or both you have to reallocate the remains of the mix that tends to go up, down to the base with a spoon so that the mixing works. You will know what I am talking about once you attempt to do it. 

This is the final result of the nut butter. As you can see I bought glass containers to save on plastic consumption. Easy to refrigerate and keep at room temperature.

Also, I had to stop every couple of minutes form preventing the machine to heat up. 

These energy balls are packed with good clean protein, so it is considered to be a very nutritious and plenty superfood. One ball with be sufficient as a snack, before workouts, on course little pick me up. The main idea of these superfood bite was nutritional value, however I wanted to make sure, during my first weeks back at the gym, I made sure to add in clean protein to bulk muscles faster. 

What do you guys think? Have you ever had protein balls for snack?

A la rica merienda. Que nos gusta merendar, o tomarnos un 'snack' a deshoras. Pero muy pocas veces lo hacemos de forma sana y nutritiva. 

Cada vez me vais a encontrar más en la cocina. Cómo es le dicho? El comer es empezar... Bueno pues podría opinar lo mismo de la cocina!

Estas bolitas, aparte de tener un valor energético y nutritivo alto, tiene un interesante valor protéico añadido a conciencia. Quería darle un toque mas sofisticado a este bocadito de placer. Con la proteína añadida, se vuelve un 'snack' más completo para cuando vas de viaje y no quieres comer en el avión o aeropuertos (como me pasa a mi), una gran elección para llevarte a esas largas jornadas en el campo de golf, de paseo o incluso antes o después de ir al gimnasio. 


  • 1 taza de harina de quinoa

  • 2 tacitos de TouchStone organic plant-based protein powder. La protein que uso diariamente.

  • 1/2 taza de mi crema de semillas y nueces (Pincha aqui para la receta, es la bomba!).

  • 1/4 taza de harina de linaza

  • 1/4 taza de polvo de cacao crudo

  • 1 cucharada sopera de aceite de coco

Qué, os atreveis? Ya me contaréis! Y gracias a todos aquellos que me animáis a seguir subiendo blogs que tengan que ver con la cocina!