Today we are going to learn how to naturally and properly detox your full body from external agents, the so-called “invisible killers” with a natural mineral. Don’t think it’s possible? Keep reading!


A post similar to this caught my attention some time ago! These days we are heavily talking about the immune system; our main goal is to make sure our immune system is strong enough so that we don’t fall prey to COVID-19. However, the real talk shouldn’t just be focused on this new coronavirus strain. There are many other external factors that we are more exposed to than COVID-19 and that is affecting our health and the effectiveness of our immune system.

We usually refer symptoms like catching colds frequently, susceptible to infections, chronic headaches, lack of sleep, digestive problems, hard time losing weight, and brain fog as consequences of a stressful or demanding life. Consequently, we then hire a mindfulness coach, a breathing coach, we start on cleansing diets; all to find glory only for a short-term period of time. All the vitality and energy we feel after a good green detox, or mindfulness program is very short-lived. That is why, in the last few years, medicine has gone beyond its comfort zone. In the span of one generation, doctors have seen rising numbers of all these kinds of symptoms which are often linked to bigger health problems. And they are finding that all these health issues share the same underlying issue: ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS.

The environmental toxins are like “invisible killers”, they are all around us and we ingest them, touch them and breathe them every single day of our lives. Dr. Alex Lee, Board Certified Internal Medicine, and Gastroenterology confirms that even babies are born with babies. Testings in the umbilical cord of newborns show that the placenta does NOT protect the baby from toxins ingested or breathed from the mother. And since babies do not have the full form defense mechanism that adults have such as the liver, you might often find you baby linked to some of the symptoms.

Check out the best value for FULL BODY DETOX: Pure Body Strength, Pure Body & Supergreen + D for a total value of $129. Use belen5 for a 5% off!

Check out the best value for FULL BODY DETOX: Pure Body Strength, Pure Body & Supergreen + D for a total value of $129. Use belen5 for a 5% off!

But this is not a sad story!


I want to share with you that there is a natural detox mineral called Zeolite that has no side effects and that filters out the heavy metal toxins from the human body.

Zeolite is not a nutritional mineral, so you cannot find it in any food store. How does it work?

Keep in mind I’m using my own words to describe what I have learned over the years. The secret to zeolite’s success is that is negatively charged. Because most minerals and heavy metals are positively charged, zeolite acts as a magnet to other minerals.

One thing to keep in mind when using zeolite as a natural detoxifier is that RAW zeolite does not work. Raw zeolite is found in soil along with other minerals. Because of its particular structure, raw zeolite has been sitting for many years until extracted ad it has absorbed already all the heavy metals that act as toxins in our bodies from deep below ground. So for zeolite to work in your body it first has to be cleaned. This cleaning procedure is highly technical and very expensive. That is why some companies will try to sell you raw zeolite or if they do sell you the cleaned efficient version, it will be expensive. Another thing to keep in mind is the size of the particle.

There are two types of detox. But before I get there, you need to understand the difference between a cleanse and a detox.


When you cleanse your body, you are truly just rebooting your digestive system: your gut and colon. I tried cleansing before, you probably saw me doing it on Instagram 3 weeks ago. These types of cleansing —which they actually call detox— involve a very restrictive juicing diet. Almost unbearable to complete. Or you can also cleanse eating greens, fermented food, natural fiber, and probiotics. I tried to do a juicing cleanse for 7 days and had to stop on day 2. But that just me, I am not trying to say that juicing or cleansing is bad. There are other people that complete it and feel amazing afterward. However, the results are short-lived like I was explaining earlier. Because you are only cleansing at a superficial level, it will just stay in the digestive system but will not enter the bloodstream. The real detox happens at a cellular level. And for that to happen, the zeolite particles need to be in nanometer level size.

And that is why raw zeolite will not work for a full body detox. The particles in raw zeolite are too big to enter the bloodstream.

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Clearly, it will be very hard to be 100% free of toxins and heavy metals in our bodies. The only thing we can control is to be proactive in the prevention stages. Which means:

  • Eating organic food and vegetables

  • Avoiding plastic containers for food storage and water.

  • Use natural household cleaners

  • Seek out natural plant-base skincare as much as we can

  • Use Zeolite as a natural detoxifier.

Only eating organic and fermented food and vegetables and avoiding your relationship with plastic is not going to cut it. You can eat lots of organic fish that is super high in mercury and cannot control whether if an organic vegetables have been treated with pesticides or not. So my recommendation is to combine an alkaline diet (organic food & vegetables) with supplementation of Zeolite. I have been using TouchStone Essentials becuase I trust the integrity of the brand and all their products. And that is extremely important when you commit to using natural supplementation. You can read some of their blogs, which is how I started to know about them in the past. Some of my favorite here (Obesogens: How toxins can make you fat), or (5 Causes of brain fog), or (9 Supergreens you should be eating every day). You will understand why I vouch for this brand so much!

The best value is to purchase is the Zeolite Detox Pack (Pure Body Strenght and the Pure Body drops for digestive detox). Both bottles, you need to either spray 4x times per day or add 4 drops in your mouth or water 3 times per day. Like anything, if you want to see a change, YOU MUST COMMIT FOR THE LONG RUN. Do not buy for just one use. Commit to see a change and be proactive with the prevention of any health issues for at least 6 months. Make good use of the savings you get when purchasing 3 o 5 packs at once. In my opinion, the best value is when you become a member. You will encourage yourself to change, be committed to your health and lifestyle and you will definitely see and notice a change.

I only started seeing a difference once I was religious about it! And that’s the truth with everything in life, you know it. You are not just learning this from me.